Can ErinEarth support the great work you are doing, or would like to do, in the local community?
Examples of previous activities include:
- Hosting a BBQ National Tree Planting Day
- Presentations to local community groups on the work we do and including topics such as sustainability, permaculture, biodiversity, habitat and climate change
- Hosting Murrumbidgee Landcare school holiday workshops
- Facilitating Q&A session with author Tim Forcey “My Efficient Electric Home”
- Local revegetation projects
- Participating in our local NAIDOC March and Flag Raising
- Connecting people in our local area with like-minded expertise, ideas or motivation
- Providing a beautiful, central, well equipped meeting space for community groups.
If you feel any of the staff at ErinEarth could shine a light on your local organisation, project or event, please contact