Native Cuttings and Plant Propagation Tips

20230421 Native Plant Propagation tips


Personal actions we can take right now

Plant your own food/home compost/organic growing/planting natives/increasing fertility of your soil at home.

Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, rot. 

Buy higher quality if possible. 

Wash on cold/turn down temp of hot water system. 

4 min shower timers. 

Reducing food waste.

Transitioning to plant rich diets.


The built field

Insulate your home/efficient home design/retrofitting of house (eg. light globes and water taps)/energy efficient appliances. 

Solar panels on the roof or renting space from Haystacks Solar Farm. 

Reduce transport emissions – walk, ride, car pool – pump up tyres in the car. 

Deep watering of plants, minimise lawn, plant natives, mulch, drip irrigation.

Create tree canopy.

Rainwater tanks/water recycling. 


Connect with nature 

Be outside, go on bushwalks, listen to the birds, get your hands dirty etc. 



Active Citizenship

Contact your elected reps and explain to them your environmental concerns.

Join a like minded group. 

Learn about the issues/stay informed. 

Talk to friends/family about sustainable livingEngage in conversations with your favourite brands/suppliers/businesses about environmental practices.  Ask them what they do. 

Write letter to editor/use social media to increase attention to solutions. 

Learn about Indigenous culture.


Purchasing power 

Buy local. 

Buy electricity from renewable provider. 

Consider purchasing an electric car.

Disinvest; don’t bank or invest with fossil fuel industry collaborators. 

Offset your emissions- household, travel. 

Buy from certified “B-Corporations”. 

Donate to relevant charities. 

Buying higher quality – if you are in a position to do so.

Lobby your favourite brands to behave/produce in a certain way 



Project Drawdown 101

Reading list:

The Biggest Estate on Earth; Dark Emu; Sandtalk; English Pastoral; Living Lightly: The Busy Persons Guide to Mindful Consumption.

Viewing list:

2040: The Regeneration;

David Attenborough – Our Planet, A Life on Our Planet, Climate Change – the facts, Extinction – the Facts;

Island Earth;

Kiss the Ground;

An Inconvenient Sequel, Truth to Power.